Smart UnliSURF 85 - 2 Days Unlimited Surfing Promo

You can enjoy surfing the web with the best surf promo of Smart. You can visit your favorite social media site, websites or whatever activities online you are going to do! All of that can be than using the exciting promo of Smart. The Smart UnliSURF 85 is now ready to serve you.

What is inside in Smart UnliSURF 85 promo? Will, after your successful registration, you can avail Unlimited Internet; you can use this promo by using your mobile phone or your smart sticks.

How to register Smart UnliSURF 85?
- 85 pesos only
- Unlimited Surf
- Good for 2 days
- Just text UNLISURF 85 to 2200

Kindly wait the confirmation message arrived in your inbox from Smart Telecom, confirming that you are registered successfully to UNLISURF 85 promo. If you failed to your first registration, send your registration. This case happen when there are too much users that are registered to the said promo! Just enjoy.